This past Sunday, October 6, 2019, pianist Paul Barnes lead us through a journey of enchanting, century-spanning music featuring the...
Lisa Nielsen is one of Omaha Conservatory of Music's violin & viola instructors. Having taught for over 20 years, she...
To celebrate jazz month in April - Omaha Conservatory of Music Artist-Faculty and students came together to jam out and...
On a Friday evening, an adventurous group of students gathered in Accelerando Coffee House to jam out with a jazz...
Violinist Vicky HyunJin Lee and Pianist Mika Sasaki came to Omaha for an incredible Saturday of teaching and performing that...
Thank you to everyone who came out to our Inside the Mind of the Artist series concert "Climbing Uphill!" The...
Conservatory student Dmitrii Shaposhnikov (studio of Dr. Stacey Barelos) was recently featured in a KMTV news piece for traveling to...
Thank you to everyone who came out to our Inside the Mind of the Artist series concert Music & Art:...
SAT SEPT 15, 2018 Thank you to Amernet String Quartet for spending their Saturday with us here at OCM and...
Thank you for joining us for a benefit concert for our program at St. Augustine Indian Mission school this past...
Thank you to everyone who came out to our final IMA of the season, Galactic Visions! OCM Artist-Faculty members Tammy...
Thank you to everyone who came out to hear the thrilling performances by pianists Krassimira Jordan and OCM's own Anne...